“...beginning the process of Personal Effectiveness Coaching has allowed me to identify and clarify some of my – previously unrealised - goals in life. As I leave, I feel the opposite of nervous. There’s a confidence to my step that comes from knowledge and acceptance, the beginnings of resolution and the promise of direction. Never before have I been encouraged to look at my life as a whole, a combination of mind, body, spirit and emotions, a journey of engagement that will allow me to work towards my full potential. Liberated and grounded at the same time, I feel I just might be on the right road to identifying what truly makes me happy.”
Alix Norman - extract taken from Cyprus Mail review - May 14th, 2013 (click here to read the full article)
“It provided a quiet, calm, 'listening place' to go to in order to try and come to terms with some of the complexities of my world at the time. It was an important, even perhaps essential set of sessions which explored and probed life whilst being carefully listened to. Through the vocalization of issues, often what had played on the mind, had its catharsis by simply being drawn out into the open!”
“Through the rich silence we hold together, through insightful questions and timely comments, Anita opens doors of freedom. She creates space for me to explore the options in handling the tight corners of life. Anita has given me strength and helped me tap into the feelings of joy. I am deeply grateful.”
“Anita thank you for coloring the path in my life that leads to self-respect, beauty, accomplishment of my dreams, look for real meanings in life, understand my self and my needs and give priority to what makes me content. Being honest with myself and with others has released me from many burdens and gave me happiness.”
Feedback from a five session group seminar
How has this program contributed to your life?
“It made us focus on our goals and targets and encouraged us to come forward with some personal issues while working as a group. It has helped us set priorities, feel good and comfortable with what we want to achieve, realize what we want to achieve, share personal feelings and experiences. It was possible to transfer the self confidence that was developed in our group of eight people in a more general setting.”
What did you find most valuable?
“The stimulation you brought to each session, the relaxation exercise, the comfortable and friendly atmosphere that we shared during the sessions, the visualization exercises to dare and look in the future.”
Other aspects of your experience?
“We loved the way you accepted everyone’s mood on each given moment and made us feel comfortable with that mood (nervous, anxious, bad mood, negative mood etc).”
“It was an experience that will be remembered for a long time because you made us make some commitments to ourselves”
Maria Kyriakou Programme Coordinator School for the Blind Nicosia